Finding a way to make new connections... and stay connected.
Bringing communities together.
At the Reef Adventure workshop in partnership with Multiverse Concert Series, 26 families explored the music and science of coral reefs. They learned from 2 coral reef scientists, 2 Integral Steps teachers, and 1 young composer (age 9) whose music was performed by 1 professional pianist.
Our staff are making waves!
Cora Crisman is the 2nd graduate of the Integrative Education Fellowship. She has stepped into a new role as Scholarship Coordinator and lead teacher for Biology | Art | Music in Motion (BAMM) and Piano Moves.
We co-hosted 1 graduation recital with Sarah Hicks, a Play It Forward Scholarship Program student who graduated from high school in Atlanta, Georgia. We expect to formally adopt the Play it Forward Scholarship program by the end of 2020, and we were thrilled to welcome Sarah as an intern beginning this October. Read more here! |
Our 3 board members have supported Integral Steps beautifully through many recent transitions.
Interested in joining the board? We’re looking for more board members!
Let us know! CONTACT US |
What else are we working on moving forward into 2021?To keep our community safe, we postponed 1 Firebird Celebration. This was the culmination of a pilot program with Boulder Head Start in collaboration with the Boulder Phil. The next chapter of this story is a good one! We received funding to continue this partnership for 2 more years, and we our currently teaching outdoor socially-distanced classes for Boulder Head Start.
We are launching a 2nd Head Start partnership, with the Wild Plum Center in Longmont, Colorado. With funding from the Boulder County Arts Alliance we will teach a 20-week Zoom class for preschool students and 3 Zoom music & movement sessions for children and caregivers. |
A Financial Update
First, we have a lot of THANKS to pass around.
In March 2020 we wrote to our community with an update about Integral Steps’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In order to continue serving our students and mission, we needed to raise $9000 by the end of May. Our community of donors and local funders came through in a huge way, and we met our goal 3 weeks early. Thank you. Your support in the most frightening and uncertain first months of the pandemic gave our staff so much hope and encouragement. With that hope, we made space for our students to continue learning joyfully and creatively in their own living rooms, and asked ourselves, “How can we best serve our students and families during this time?”
Thank you to the elected officials and committees of local governments, the tireless staff at local foundations, and the legislators in Congress who wrote and passed the CARES Act. Through your work, Integral Steps received the following Covid-Relief Funding:
- $5000 from the Town of Superior
- $1200 from the Longmont Community Foundation (April 2020)
- $1500 from the Longmont Community Foundation (October 2020)
- $7000 EIDL Loan Advance
Going forward, what does Integral Steps’ financial future look like?
It costs $82,000 a year to operate Integral Steps programs.
Considering the economic recession and the dire financial situations of many small organizations, Integral Steps is in a stable financial position. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and funders, and the dedication of our staff, Integral Steps is fully living out its mission of promoting integrative education to support the balanced development of individuals, families, and communities. |
We need to raise $5000 by December 31, 2020 to fund the classes and events that are currently scheduled.