Frequently Asked Questions
Class Policies
- What age are classes for?
- Classes are offered for children 0 to 18 years. Some classes have multiple age options. Please select the group most suitable for your child. If you would like to enroll your child in a class for which they are outside the age range, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help!
- How much do classes cost?
- Class tuition varies by the number of classes per term as well as the location and partner with whom the class is presented. Tuition information is available on the information pages for each class, as well as on the registration pages. Prices are subject to change.
- What does class registration pay for?
- Your registration includes more than just your 28-30 classes per academic year. It pays for the 1-2 teachers per class, space rental, curriculum creation, physical materials, and administrative time. The price you see on our class information and registration pages encompasses all of these aspects in one clear low price. If you're interested in the specific class breakdown, please email us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to share that information with you!
- What do my kids need for class?
- For most classes, your child will need a 3-ring binder and should wear comfortable clothes they can move about in and that are washable should craft supplies get on them. For Rhythmic Solfége, students will need to bring their metallophone and 3-ring binder with completed homework assignments to each class.
- Can I accompany my child to class?
- You are welcome to come to class with your child, but we ask that you mainly observe so that your child can explore and learn in their own way. An exception to this is Little Birds (0 - 3 years) and some our integrative classes for ages 3-5, which are designed for young children and parents to explore music-making together. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have concerns or would like to take a more active role in your child's class.
- Why do I have to pay a materials fee in addition to tuition?
- The materials fee allows us to provide all the necessary supplies for your child. This is budgeted separately from tuition as tuition pays for the instructor's time and preparation, as well as curriculum creation. For some classes, this is included in your registration fee. For information about how much of the registration goes towards materials, please contact us.
- What happens if we miss a class?
- If you know in advance that you need to miss a class, please tell the instructor as soon as possible. If your child is ill, keep them home and notify us by phone call, text or email so that we know. Depending on the class, there may be another day and time in which you could make up the class. Be in contact with your instructor - they will let you know what would be suitable. Do your best to makeup a class in the same week or the week following an absence - this will ensure that the class you make-up is in the same place in our curriculum as the class as what was missed.
- What is your Sickness Policy and Code of Conduct?
- Integral Steps takes strict measures to ensure our classes are safe spaces. Integral Steps will be taking a conservative approach to safety, closely following the latest guidelines laid out by the CDC. If you or your little one is not feeling well, we ask that you skip class for that week.
- What happens if a class meeting is cancelled for instructor illness or inclement weather?
- If class is cancelled for instructor illness or inclement weather, all efforts will be made to reschedule the class for the end of the session to make up the time. Most classes have an additional one or two meetings per session than are included in the tuition price. This means that should a class meeting be cancelled, there are extra classes built into the schedule, and should none be cancelled, there are one or two classes included for free!
- When are make-up classes offered?
- Check our schedule to find a class that is running with the same curriculum as the class you missed. Be in touch with the instructor to ask permission to attend the class as a make-up. We usually schedule 2 extra classes per school year in order to account for when classes are cancelled for instructor illness or inclement weather. All attempts will be made to hold class at the predetermined times and days, but should a situation arise, your instructor will be in contact to inform you. In the case where more than two classes are cancelled in a school year, make-up classes will be scheduled either at the end of the normal session or at a time agreed upon by the students and teacher, at the same days, times, and locations if possible.
- I need to withdraw from class. How do I do this?
- We are sorry that you need to withdraw! Please be in contact with your instructor. Upon withdrawal, pro-rated tuition (depending on the number of remaining classes) will be credited to future classes for that child and/or family. This credit does not typically include material fees, as we order materials for each student at the time of registration.
- Am I able to receive a monetary refund?
- Like most educational companies, a lot of what we do is planned and paid for in advance. This is to compensate for curriculum we acquire from partnering schools, time our teachers spend planning and tailoring the classes and sometimes materials to cover each student. As such we are unable to do monetary refunds but will always be happy to ensure any remaining balance go towards future programs you decide to take.
Class Policies
- All attempts will be made to start class promptly. Please ensure your child is ready for class a few minutes before the start time. Should you be running late, please arrive as quickly and safely as possible to join class. Should the instructor be running late, they will email or text you with as much advanced notice as possible.
- Only primary, secondary, & caregiver contacts can pick up their child after class. If you would like someone else to pick up your child, please inform the instructor at least 24 hours ahead of time by emailing the teacher as well as [email protected]. If a last minute emergency change is needed, please email and text the instructor letting them know who has consent to pick up your child. Please also be prepared to answer a phone call from the instructor if there is an issue during pick-up.
- Students should wear comfortable, washable clothing that they can move around in and that can be washed should craft supplies get on them.
- If a child must withdraw from class after enrollment, credit for the pro-rated tuition (depending on the number of remaining classes) will be applied to future classes. Please be in contact with your instructor or the office if you have any questions.
- Depending on the class, parents have differing roles in our classes. For our younger classes, more parental involvement is part of what we explore and wish to support between families and their children. However, after age 4 or 5, and as our students grow, parents are generally not permitted in the room during class time because it tends to be too distracting for the children, there is often not enough space for parents to sit comfortably, and the children need the space to move. Exceptions can be made to this policy. Contact your instructor.
- Please note that some locations have playground equipment nearby. Use of equipment before/after class is used at your own risk and not considered part of the Integral Steps program.